***  SAMPLE INSERT # 104  ***

Your Face Tells All...

by Erik Kanto & Ilona Kanto

Reese Witherspoon, was born in Nashville, Tennessee on the 22nd of March, 1976. Soon after she began her acting career, Reese was flying to an audition for the movie Cape Fear, to meet Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese. She knew almost nothing about either, so when the man next to her on the plane began raving about them, Reese became so nervous her audition was a disaster. She has been married to actor Ryan Phillippe since 1999. Reese’s movies include Legally Blonde, The Importance of Being Earnest, Sweet Home Alabama and Legally Blond 2.

Face Reading:  If your face is heart-shaped as in her picture, and the forehead is broader than the chin area, your face is a combination of the Water and Wood elements. A good combination that means you do well with money matters and have a lot of new ideas. High cheekbones represent power. If your laugh lines are long and curve in below the mouth, they indicate a long life but possible loneliness at the end.


What This Feature Tells: If you have high cheekbones, you are an authority figure. In personal relationships, the one who has the stronger cheek-bones will be more domineering. In most cases, well-developed cheek-bones are basis, almost a requirement, to achieve top positions in business and politics. This also applies to leading positions in science, sports and the entertainment industry.

Erik Kanto & Ilona Kanto, experts in the Chinese Art of Physiognomy, are the authors of the book "Your Face Tells All." They can be contacted at readers@facereading.cx.
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